2 August 2023

Our customers, their aircraft…
Tobias, his family, and their MCR-4S


Tobias Vollmer is one of our customers! He has been a private pilot since 1994 and has logged 1,500 flying hours. Since 2021, he is the happy owner of an MCR-4S and he has already flown more than 100 hours with it. Attention: this aircraft wasn’t found on the second hand market, no! Tobias bought it in kit from SE AVIATION AIRCRAFT. About the safety, with its new flap system designed by our engineers and its airframe parachute, this MCR-4S is perfect.
And, safety is even more important when, like him, you use your plane to travel… with your family! Indeed, with his wife and their two children aged 7 and 11, they love to travel in Europe, as last June, when the whole family went to Nice and Cannes.

For your future flights, to you and your family, Mr. Vollmer, the whole SE AVIATION AIRCRAFT team wishes you “Bon voyage”!



Tobias talks about his MCR-4S…

My MCR-4S is fast, fuel consumption efficient (22 liters/hour at 130 kt), and it offers an excellent level of safety, which is very reassuring when you travel with children. Aesthetically, it is very beautiful, especially the winglets which I find really superb. And then, I appreciate being a customer of SE AVIATION, because you are always very well received. People are waiting to hear what you have to say.


New four-blade MT-Propeller

At SE AVIATION AIRCRAFT, the performance of our aircraft is a real obsession! That’s why we are constantly improving our machines. The latest development is the approval of the MT-Propeller MTV-36 four-blade propeller. This superb 157 cm prop with hydraulic variable-pitch offers a better performance than the 170 cm three-blade, especially at high altitude. Moreover, equipped with this propeller, the MCR-4S has a rate of climb of 1,450 ft/min at takeoff, which is perfect for glider towing.
What is more, its four-bladed shape generates less noise pollution.
Airfields neighbours will be happy… for once!

MCR ULC Evolution is gaining weight


With a speed range of 65 km/h (36 kts) to 250 km/h (139 kts), the MCR ULC Evolution (powered by the Rotax 912 ULS) is one of the best microlights in the world. With its 270 kg payload, it’s a fun travel machine whose price/performance ratio is simply the best. However, at SE AVIATION AIRCRAFT, we always want more! That’s why we are working on increasing its MTOW from 472.5 kg to 525 kg. So, on your next trip, your suitcase could be heavier than usual! To be continued… early 2023.









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