Modele Nouveau Modèle | MCR Evolution - SE Aviation Aircraft | La référence mondiale en MCR
Manoeuvrable, Sports, true F1 from the air

Nouveau Modèle

Directly derived from Michel Colomban’s MC100, MCR SPORTSTER EVOLUTION is the fastest and manoeuvrable of the MCR Evolution 2 seaters.

The generalized use of composite materials guarantees low empty weight and inertia, as well as high resistance and a high level of safety.

Equiped with Rotax engine of 80hp, 100hp ou 115hp turbo, MCR SPORTSTER EVOLUTION can take you up to 320km/h (TAS at FL120).


Voir la vidéo

Wingspan 6.63 m

Length 5.48 m

Wing area 5.20 m²

Cabin width 1.12 m


Avion MCR | Nouveau Modèle Avion MCR | Nouveau Modèle Avion MCR | Nouveau Modèle Avion MCR | Nouveau Modèle Avion MCR | Nouveau Modèle Avion MCR | Nouveau Modèle Avion MCR | Nouveau Modèle Avion MCR | Nouveau Modèle

Sport and Maneuverable

2-seater light aircraft for traveling



  • MT Propeller electric or hydraulic variable pitch, three blades
  • MT Propeller fixed pitch propeller, three blades

  • Carbon fiber construction ensuring resistance, lightness and absence of corrosion
  • Heating and ventilation
  • Electric flaps control
  • Electric elevator trim and electric fin trim controlled from the stick
  • Carbon and glass fiber blades for main landing gear and sandowfor nose landing gear
  • Hydraulic brakes: controlled by hand or toe-brakes
  • Cell parachute
  • Personalized avionics: GPS, radio, TCAS, autopilot … (AvMap, Dynon, Garmin)
  • Landing light, strobe light and navigation light
  • Fuel tanks: 80L or 120L or 200L
  • Cowling flap
  • Ground anchor loops

TAS at FL120


of range




take-off distance


Rotax Engine 912 UL

  • Power 80 hp
  • Speed 241 km/h
  • MTOW 490kg
  • Capacity 80 L - 200 L
  • Consumption 20 L/h


Rotax engine 912 ULS

  • Power 100 hp
  • Speed 265 km/h
  • MTOW 490 kg
  • Capacity 80 L - 200 L
  • Consumption 20 L/h


Rotax engine 914 UL

  • Power 115 hp
  • Speed 274 km/h
  • MTOW 490 kg
  • Capacity 80 L - 200 L
  • Consumption 22 L/h

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